Declutter with One Source Cleaning

OSC Decluttering Service and 5 Great Tips to Reduce Clutter in your Home

At One Source Cleaning, we know that a clean home is more than just spotless floors and dust-free surfaces—it’s also about creating a space that feels organized and peaceful. That’s why we’re excited to announce our new Decluttering Service, designed to help you achieve not just a clean home, but a clutter-free one. Contact us today to learn more about our decluttering service and what we can do for you!

We understand that the thought of decluttering on your own can feel overwhelming. It’s easy to get lost in the piles and feel unsure about where to begin. But with our expert team by your side, you don’t have to tackle this process alone. We’ll help you overcome this struggle by working with you step by step, or we will do the heavy lifting for you. Once we’ve decluttered your space, we can sit down together to review your inventory, ensuring you keep only what matters most.

Inspired by the “Minimal Mom,” we’ve adopted five easy steps to make the decluttering process smoother and more manageable:

Step 1: Have a Donation Box & Trash Bag with You at All Times

One Source Cleaning’s decluttering service starts with this basic rule to tackle the clutter. As we work together to declutter your space, one of our first strategies will be to ensure we’re always ready to make quick decisions. We’ll have donation boxes and trash bags at the ready. This allows us to decide immediately whether something can be passed on or should be tossed—keeping momentum and helping you let go of items you no longer use.

Declutter Service tip 1 - always have a Donation Box and Trash Bag

Step 2: Look at Every Item as “Inventory”

Every item in your home takes up space, time, and energy. Think of everything as “inventory.” Does it serve a purpose or bring you joy? If not, it may be time to let it go. Our team will assist in categorizing your items efficiently, helping you keep only what adds value to your life. Our decluttering service can help you see like items together, but you of course have the final say on what is trash and what is treasure. We find that items in the medicine closet will expire and continue taking up precious space. When viewing everything as inventory, it’s clear that we don’t want to hold onto items like these. Don’t worry, it’s ok to toss it, even though you didn’t use all of it before it expired.

Declutter Service tip 2 - Treat every item as inventory

Step 3: If It Isn’t a Clear “Yes,” It’s a “No”

When you’re unsure about an item, it can be tempting to hang onto it “just in case.” One Source Cleaning’s declutter service helps you break that habit by encouraging a straightforward rule: If it’s not an immediate “yes,” it’s a “no.” We’ll support you in making those tough calls, giving you the confidence to say goodbye to what’s no longer needed. It’s also nice to know not all of it is trash! Taking items to Goodwill can help alleviate the stress of sending everything to the landfill and feeling wasteful.

Declutter Service tip 3 - if it's not a "yes" it's a "no"

Step 4: Use a “Time Will Tell Bin”

If you’re not quite ready to part with certain items, that’s okay! We’ll introduce you to the “Time Will Tell Bin,” where you can place items you’re on the fence about. If you don’t use or think about those items after a month or your chosen timeframe, you’ll know it’s time to donate or discard them. This gives you a gradual, pressure-free way to make decisions. Another great option is to create a time capsule box and find a place for your box in the garage, then set a calendar reminder to check the box at your chosen time interval. However, consider items for these boxes carefully! If you can buy the item again for under $25 (or a price range you find reasonable to you), just get rid of it and you can always replace it if you need it again.

Declutter Service tip 4 - Make a Time will Tell Box

Step 5: Say No to Guilty Clutter

We all have things we keep in our homes out of guilt—gifts, heirlooms, or sentimental items that no longer serve us. Our team will help you overcome that sense of obligation, reminding you that it’s okay to let go. We’ll create a space that reflects who you are now, not who you were or who others expect you to be. A great example of Guilty Clutter is unopened Christmas presents collecting dust. Think if you know anyone who would love these items and re-gift them to alleviate any guilt you may have about getting rid of them.

Declutter Service tip 5 - Say Goodbye to Unopened Presents Guilt Free

Pro tip: How to Start Decluttering

Now that you have some great tools to help you declutter your home, getting started can still feel like a challenge. The best way to tackle clutter is to focus on one area at a time and set a clear goal. Starting with a clean, clutter-free space is ideal. Begin by moving all clutter to a nearby table or into boxes, clearing your space except for your storage solution.

In the example pictured below, we cleared everything from the storage organizer and felt instant relief from seeing the empty floor space! Now that the hard part is done, it’s time to decide what goes back. Assign each box a specific purpose and fill it with items you actually use. Once a box is full, you can’t add anything else, or it won’t fit in the organizer. Any similar items that don’t fit should be tossed or donated. This method also helps give a home to certain types of items, making it easier to find them when you need them.

Declutter pro tip - Get started by Remove Everything and Decide What Goes Back

At One Source Cleaning, we believe decluttering is an important part of creating a clean and healthy home. Our new Decluttering Service is designed to take the stress out of organizing, making your space functional and peaceful. Whether you prefer to declutter alongside us or let us handle the heavy work and help you sort through the inventory afterward, we’re here to make the process easy and manageable.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to schedule your decluttering session!

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